High Performance Learning Journeys (HPLJ) - Introduction

Get to know the Brinkerhoff Certification

Some of our clients

3 opportunities for an organization just like yours

  1. Increased learning to performance improvement impact, on the job
  2. Demonstrable results and value from your training
  3. Higher completion rates

For many years, organization’s like yours, have been increasing the degree and consistency of their measurable business impact from training, with our support.

Schedule a brief meeting with us to learn more.

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This is HPLJ

Developed with Professor Robert Brinkerhoff HPLJ gives organizations a method for designing programs that optimize the following five key factors of effective learning to performance transfer, using a blended learning approach: “On the job” application, Manager involvement, Social learning, Learning journeys stretched over time, and Linkage to business goals.

We will give you a brief introduction to the Brinkerhoff Certification and answer any questions you might have about the program.

  • Free & online
  • No strings attached
  • 15 minutes


The Brinkerhoff Certification for High Performance Learning Journeys (HPLJ) is a certification program where you will learn how to design effective training programs that create behavioral change.

  • It provides you with a structured process comprising practical frameworks, methods and tools.
  • Is based on thorough research, evidence-based methods and proven techniques
  • During the program you will design a training program, ready to use back at your workplace

Read more about the Brinkerhoff Certification for High Performance Learning Journeys here

Anyone who wishes to transform learning into performance improvement on the job, for example:

  • Learning professionals
  • Facilitators
  • Performance consultants
  • HR and L&D professionals
  • L&D project managers
  • Instructional designers
  • Coaches

Book a 15-min meeting to find out more!

Use the form below to book a brief 15 minutes Skype meeting about the Brinkerhoff certification.

Read our privacy policy here.