Probably not.
To do so, would be to blunder. An error one doesn’t need to make.
How best to prepare then? For example, what might you be willing to invest?
Time? Money? Commitment? To name but three.
And so to a journey of another kind. A business journey and getting started with Promote. Possibly one of the most important journeys your business will ever make. It’s not hard to start using Promote. It’s really rather easy. But given it has the potential to add a completely new dimension to your business, we understand this sometimes causes circumspect.
We’ll wait for the perfect business case to come along before investing in Promote, we hear you say. More blundering.
And here’s why:
- Do you really want to be introduced to Promote at the same time as your client?
- You’d be full of trepidation
- Will this work, or won’t it, you simply wouldn’t know
- Anxiety builds, where you could have smoothed it away
- A new program, wanting to do your best
- All made possible by having a meaningful business case of your own
- You know Promote, you’ve experienced the benefits, for yourself
- By doing, you are competent and confident
- You’re going to sell it well
Why not hit the ground running instead?
Here’s a more seamless approach, from beginning to end:
- Select a training program that you run often and are already familiar with. Doing so will allow for a clear comparison between old and new and thereby, the difference that Promote will make. You might also want to consider working with a client that you already have a good working relationship with
- Select a program starting no earlier than 4-6 weeks from the point of signing the license agreement (allow a week for us to technically create your own version of Promote, two weeks for the online certification process although this could be done in a day, if you had the time, and lastly, a week for when we help you build your first program, to ensure you have absolute confidence, before going live)
- Make sure someone in your organization has completed the online certification program. In advance, pinpoint “system users” (e.g. one or two consultants and whomever is likely to be responsible for administering Promote)
- Start using Promote straight away, because the more experienced you become, the greater your confidence in using the system and in selling it onto your own clients
Do not wait until conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes conditions perfect.