Promote action workshops

Promote Action Workshops

Turnkey workshops designed to quickly create improvement

Scalable, solution-oriented, effective workshops - for you and your team

Promote Action workshops are made to drive competence development within an organization. You get all the material you need and to lead the workshop yourself. All workshops are scalable and follow a clear pattern. An Action workshop is a series of structured activities and tasks whose task is to develop a group’s members within a certain competence or skill.

Promotes Team development workshops are suitable for larger training programs as well as for smaller individual assignments. The material is pre-packaged and designed to solve concrete tasks and can be used several times on different groups. You as a leader can perform the workshop without external help, regardless of whether you choose to run virtually or in a physical meeting.

Completely complete workshops, ready to run included with materials, videos and aids.


What works, what does not work?

Perfect for you who lead a relatively developed and open group. The goal is to be able to ascertain what works and what does not work. By going through parameters such as ability to work together, conflict resolution and personal performance, the group can focus on further development.

Lead yourself vs. cooperation

Some parts of what a group does are quite simple – we have the knowledge and we have done it before. Other parts can be complex – we have not done this before, we do not have all the necessary knowledge and we as a group have different ways of tackling the challenge.

Increase motivation

Boost your group by finding out individual motivational factors. What’s a good day? Learn something new? Feeling appreciated? Freedom? By reflecting and exploring what motivates us and what preferences we have, we can take responsibility for making the working day a little better for ourselves and for our colleagues.

Analysis & insights

Gain insights and further develop your group to new heights. In order to achieve our goals, we need to understand where we come from and where we are now. In this workshop, you will get a common language and common tools for talking about where the group is right now and what the road ahead will look like.

Resolve conflicts within a group

Sooner or later, a conflict will arise within a group. It is not the number of conflicts that determines whether a group is high-performing or not. This is how conflicts are handled. With this workshop, you create a safe environment with a process for how conflicts are handled in a productive and healthy way.

Clear roles & responsibilities

Lack of clarity and responsibility are among the most common causes of conflicts in a group and that tasks are not completed. If the group works agile, it is important to have an ongoing dialogue about expectations and distribution of tasks. We recommend using this action workshop regularly.

Show your appreciation

Boost your group with genuine appreciation. Create trust and an environment where group members are more open to constructive criticism. With this workshop, you ensure that all members of the group feel appreciated for where they contribute. After the workshop, the group members will have a simple and effective model and a handbook for further work.

Use the differences

A versatile team is good for employee development. Group members with different backgrounds create better communicators and socially conscious employees. Through discussions, the group members identify the differences and identify how to use them in the best way.

Coaching for increased results

Coaching is an effective way to develop a group. Not only from the boss but also from colleagues. In this workshop, participants will follow the GROW model which gives them the opportunity to practice on each other.

Set up basic rules for the group

Set the ground rules directly for a new or an already established group. The sooner the better then! The challenge becomes greater if conflicts and irritation already exist. In this workshop, the team is guided in how to create and agree on common rules to work more efficiently.

Solve each other's challenges

Come together to come up with ideas and solutions to challenges the group faces. In this workshop, participants will share their challenges and situations that they find difficult to solve on their own.

Create a positive feedback culture

Increase morale, ethos and productivity with the help of feedback culture. The group is given a model for feedback that they can practice to fine-tune their skills when giving feedback.

Speed Feedback

Create a positive feeling about feedback. To destigmatize negative feedback, feedback needs to become part of the work environment. Through this workshop, participants get the chance to practice giving feedback to each other.

Do you have questions, thoughts or are you interested in ordering one/several workshops?
Use the form on the right.

What is included in the Promote Action Workshop?

– Guided instructions to the manager responsible for running the workshop

– A manual for the employees who participate in the workshop

– A PowerPoint presentation for the manager to use, including guided instructions and time estimates for each page and task.

– Video with learning nuggets for the participants to use

– An onboarding program for Promote’s learning platform. In Promote, you get access to guidelines, materials and videos set up in a structured learning journey to deliver the best possible results. NOTE! You do not need to use the Platform if you prefer another solution.

FAQ about Action Workshops

We do not use Promote's platform, what do we do then?

No problem. We will send you all the material you need. Movies, PDFs, Powerpoints, etc. The material you can do what suits you best – e.g. embed in your LMS.

We use Promote's platform today, can we use it for Action workshops?

Absolutely! Action workshops work best in combination with Promote’s platform. As usual, it costs one “user” per activated user.

You will have access to the material designed as a structured learning journey inside Promote.

What happens when you buy a workshop - what does the process look like?

We will start by producing your material. Then we follow up with a reconciliation (digital or face 2 face) here you can look at the material and ask any questions. When it is ready, we will hand over the material to you, or put it in Promote for you.

Is there a minimum requirement for the number of participants?

No. But the result will be better if there are more of you who attend the workshop.

How long do you sign up?

One year at a time. You have the right to use the workshop and the material for one year.

Contact Thomas for more information

Tel: +46 70 168 19 93

Do you want more information about the concept? Contact us!

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Congrats, Almost there!

A few things to consider before trying the platform:

And to make it as easy as possible...

…there’s a Demo guide within each module, explaining all the nifty features of the Promote Platform! You can find it under resources on the right hand side of the screen.