AI Promote Platform


AI Facilitator Assistance

AI Assistance within Promote is more than just about keeping up with technology – it’s about enhancing the learning experience and ensuring that every learner gets the maximum benefit from your program.

The purpose of using AI in Promote is to streamline your workflow as a facilitator, enhance engagement with learners, and ensure that each individual gets the attention they need to succeed. With AI Assistance, facilitators are empowered to deliver timely, relevant, and personalized responses, fostering a learning environment that is both efficient and impactful.

Maximum benefit from your programs

AI-generated replies

As a facilitator in Promote, your approval of tasks is more than a mere formality—it’s an opportunity to motivate and guide learners through constructive feedback. However, crafting individual responses can be time-consuming, and that’s where AI Assistance comes in. This feature supports you by generating personalized, encouraging, and contextually appropriate replies for Facilitator Approve tasks.

AI Assistance acts as your co-facilitator, helping you to craft replies that can vary in length, depth, and complexity:

The AI-generated replies are based on the context of the related assignment and task completion instruction.

Use AI-generated replies when you want to:

AI-generated summaries

Gathering insights from a lively task discussion can be as demanding as it is rewarding. Facilitators on Promote now have a powerful ally in AI Assistance to efficiently summarize key points from learner interactions. This tool is especially useful when you aim to encapsulate the essence of a discussion, providing a concise overview for your learners.

Use AI-generated summaries when you want to:

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