About us

We make a reality of your goals through successful training initiatives

About us

Promote is an award-winning EdTech company with a passion for effective training and business results. Through results-focused training we make businesses and their coworkers grow.

Promote’s origins are firmly rooted in Mindset, Sweden’s leading leadership, and sales training company. Mindset was founded in 1998 and has focused on delivering concrete results; a mission that led us to an evidence-based approach and the use of the latest technology. Over time, this led to the development of the Promote platform and High Performance Learning Journeys® methodology. Expertise that now uniquely positions us, to support training and consulting companies that want to develop and grow their business.

We are an organization that puts people at the center. We work closely with all our customers and believe in learning from each other to develop

An award-winning learning platform

Brandon Hall HCM Excellence Award is a prestigious award, The competition for these awards is fiercely competitive, with entries from all around the world, from organizations ranging from small to global enterprises with names like Shell, Accenture, Deloitte, SAP, and GP strategies appearing in many categories.

Trust worldwide

Promote is used by large and small organizations around the world. Together with HR, L&D, training administrators and training providers we create effective training, onboarding, product launches and training academies.

Contact us!

Congrats, Almost there!

A few things to consider before trying the platform:

And to make it as easy as possible...

…there’s a Demo guide within each module, explaining all the nifty features of the Promote Platform! You can find it under resources on the right hand side of the screen.