Telia’s Gold-Winning Transformation: Harnessing HPLJ for Performance-Driven Training

Facing intense competition in the telecom industry, Telia Company needed to transform its learning culture to stay ahead. Historically, their training was heavy on information but light on impact. In 2019, Telia’s learning and development team launched a bold initiative—’Pivot to Performance’—to shift from simply delivering training to driving real business outcomes.

Central to this transformation was the adoption of the High Performance Learning Journey (HPLJ) methodology, developed by Promote International and Professor Robert Brinkerhoff. This approach enabled Telia to create targeted learning solutions that foster sustained behavioral change and measurable performance improvement.

Download this case study to explore how HPLJ played a crucial role in Telia’s L&D transformation and gain insights to apply in your own organization.

Download the case here:

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