Beteendeförändring i fokus

PostNord driver sin stora satsning mot ökad försäljning av e-handel med stöd av en väldesignad lärresa och plattformen Promote. Hör Anders Blomstedt, Projektledare på PostNord, berätta om projektet och resultatet.

“Vi har vårt fokus på beteendeförändringen”

PostNord använder både lärplattformen Promote och high performance Learning Journey-metodiken för att skapa varaktig beteendeförändring i sin organisation.

Kort om Postnord

  • 30 000 medarbetare
  • Levererar över 3.3 miljarder brev per år
  • Finns i Sverige och Danmark

Getting to Kirkpatrick® Level 4 with Promote

The Kirkpatrick Model comprises the foremost evaluation methodology in the world.  Let us show you how you can combine the inbuilt functionality of the Promote platform with the power of the four levels to move beyond smile sheets to driving application and demonstrable business value.

the webinar covers:

  • Introduction to the Kirkpatrick Model
  • Using Promote to connect the levels
  • Using assignment reports to add stories to the data
  • Using Promote dashboards to drive success

Powering a Personalized Learning Journey for Anti-Racist Allies

How do you power a personalized learning journey for anti-racist allies? Red Fern LLC, a learning design and consulting group, has created personalized, high-performance learning journeys for individuals seeking to become better allies for people of color. 

During this session, Red Fern founders Steve and Allison Mahaley will describe the components of the learning journey, and how learners identify their ‘moments that matter’, and use the tools to improve their skills and outcomes of critical conversations.

the webinar covers:

  • Why this, why now
  • Introductions and design foundations
  • Tour of a typical journey
  • Impact measures
  • Q / A

Uncovering the truth about Learning Journeys – stretching on more than time

The training event is a thing of the past and the world of professional learning is abuzz with the notion of learning journeys. But will simply stretching our learning over time provide us with the training transfer we need?

In this webinar, you will learn how to stretch your L&D initiatives to address common barriers to achieving business impact! This webinar was hosted by Performance consultants Edward Boon and Alex Brittain-Catlin from Promote.

The webinar covers:

  • Barriers to training transfer
  • Stretching on 5 dimensions to overcome these barriers
  • Practical examples of assignments and activities to create the stretch

Promote changed the way we do business

“Our mission has always been to make a difference for our clients”

Knowing the shortcomings of training we realized that we needed some sort of performance support tool that could leverage our training programs and create full business value. We literally searched the world for platforms that could support us. After extensive research and workshops with the brightest thought leaders in training impact and measurement we chose to work with Promote.

We implemented Promote and all the processes that come with it to; sales, design, delivery and impact measurement. Of course we started out with some flagship programs to set internal examples, and very soon we realized that this was The Way forward. All of our employees quickly got involved, adding to their processes and ways of working.

Working with Promote has made it possible to build true partnership with our clients, discussing and solving matters so we can co-work on solving them to drive full impact of training. We got the tools to re-vitalize business relations and to improve our existing programs, securing business projects in even longer terms than before. Promote has made it possible to drive and prove our contribution to business results in companies all over the world. Promote has made ourselves very proud of what we do!

Current use of Promote

All programs on all levels, tailor made programs and open seated courses

Introduction programs

200+ Customer Companies

2200 programs

Mindset – Fact

Global training provider in Leadership, Sales and Project Management

Kirkpatrick Affiliates with certified trainers and Gold level status changed the way we do business

135+ employees

Increased learning transfer in leadership programs

We are happy to share the findings of the impact study of a very successful leadership training program in the construction industry at PEAB. in this case we will share our findings from our Peab training Evaluation.

About 80% of participants are making sustained and valuable use of their learning in their on-job work. This compares to impact rates more commonly found in studies to be in the range of 5% to 20%. The case study will present how that was achieved. 

“To Lead Peab, is a multi-element training program provided to leaders from a range of levels. The programs are managed by Mindset and customized for Peab – one of the Nordic countries™’ leading construction and civil engineering companies, with 13,000+ employees and net sales exceeding USD 4+ billion.”

Ladda ner caset här:

How Promote changed the way we train our Leaders

Promote was introduced to us by one of our most trusted training providers who had used it successfully for other companies. Both the tool and the methodology behind it made us very excited, and we decided to run a pilot on a mid-level leadership program.

We stated three specific goals for the pilot; First, we wanted the participants to spend less time in the classroom. Second, we wanted them to practice more of their learnings when they got back to the workplace and third, we wanted to get their managers more involved in their development.

We ran three pilot programs where we measured a better focus, higher accountability, even more satisfied participants and engaged managers that led to a learning transfer of more than 80%. On top of that we managed to cut cost with 50% and time spent in the classroom with 25% – in other words, a more effective training that provided desired results.

Based on our experience we decided to make Promote a main component in leadership programs on all levels, globally. And as a proof on how our leadership programs improved with Promote, a study on them has been awarded a Kirkpatrick Gold Level Certification and the results presented on large international conferences (ex ATD).

Current use of Promote

  • Leadership programs on all levels
  • 12 languages
  • Internal open enrollment programs for communication and soft skills
  • Roll out of new strategies and business models

Scania – Facts

  • Global manufacturer of heavy trucks and busses
  • 45 000 employees
  • Founded in 1891
  • Strong focus on Research & Development
  • Award-winning L&D department

Social distansering – eller kanske inte?

I en tid där vi behöver varandra som mest, för att skapa trygghet och förståelse, är det olyckligt att social distansering blivit synonymt med fysiskt avståndstagande. Vi ska tvärtom fortsätta vara sociala men undvika att vara fysiskt nära varandra. Många företag står nu inför utmaningen att skapa en stark vi-känsla på distans.

Tekniken ger oss möjlighet att fortsätta vara sociala och på kort tid har många organisationer fått ställa om till digitala lösningar. På gott och ont. I min värld, på Induction, där vår viktigaste arbetsuppgift att är välkomna nya medarbetare till sina nya arbetsplatser, har vi alltid använt teknik som hävstång för att skapa engagerande, strukturerade och effektiva introduktionsprogram.

Genom ett varmt och strukturerat välkomnande överbryggar vi fysisk distans och ger nyanställda goda förutsättningar att lyckas som ny på jobbet. Genom vår lärplattform Promote skapar vi möten mellan människor och strategi. Det bygger struktur och i sin tur kultur. Visst kan tekniken underlätta, förbättra och förenkla för många organisationer, inte minst för överbelastade chefer med för lite tid över för sina nya medarbetare.

Digital onboarding ska stötta och driva social interaktion men väldigt sällan ersätta det mellanmänskliga mötet mellan mottagande chef och ny medarbetare! Något som kan ske både digitalt och fysiskt.

Så vad krävs då för att lyckas om man vill digitalisera sin onboardingprocess?

Det första steget måste bli att våga tänka nytt. Att endast skapa en digital checklista i ett snyggt användargränssnitt kommer knappast skapa en WOW känsla hos era nya medarbetare. Det måste finnas utrymme för interaktion, reflektion och inte minst inspiration.

Det andra är att underlätta för och stötta chefer. Jag har inte träffat någon chef som inte vill vara närvarande, coachande och en god förebild. Men tyvärr är verkligheten allt för ofta en annan, där ständiga prioriteringar och akuta åtaganden gör att tiden inte räcker till. Här kan tekniken hjälpa oss, som stöd och för att frigöra tid för chefer.

Sist men kanske viktigast. Risken är stor att nya medarbetare får alldeles för mycket information under sin introduktion, i tron om att det ska hjälpa dem utföra sina arbetsuppgifter så snabbt och bra som möjligt. Många företag dränker sina medarbetare i teori, e-learningar och pdf:er. Men när läste du själv senast en pdf på tio sidor?

Vad kan du göra idag?

Mitt tips är att titta igenom er onboardingprocess med nya ögon. Om det var du som var ny, vad hade tänt din gnista? Vad hade fått dig att känna engagemang? Vad hade gett dig en bra start i din nya roll? Tänk på detta och hur du skulle vilja uppleva detta digitalt – men fortfarande socialt!

Ta hand om varandra och lycka till med det du ska göra idag och inte minst imorgon

David Djerf, Induction

Addressing big and ongoing challenges with Promote

Ericsson has been using the Promote platform in a variety of their programs, globally, since 2015. In this interview with Peter Sheppard, Global Head of Learning Excellence, you will learn more about the Ericsson experience, the challenges faced, and how they overcame, to get the best out of the platform and their programs.

From a Learning and Development perspective, what challenges are Promote allowing you to overcome?

I think Promote has helped us with a couple of big and ongoing challenges. The first one is that we, as a company, are increasingly doing more and more blended learning. We are including a variety of learning methods in the learning programs that we’re putting together. One of the challenges in that, is pulling it all together into one overall program and keeping the motivation going through that whole program. Promote is an excellent tool in that, it helps. We ask people to sign into Promote initially and in the platform, they complete some elements and do different types of learning throughout. I think that’s one challenge that Promote helps us to overcome, to keep the motivation throughout the entire program.

The second challenge is, which we have not mastered yet – but I wish we had – is greater involvement of leaders. It is shown again and again, that if you involve leaders in the learning, then you get better results and stronger impact. And by using Promote, we encourage employees and leaders to have that conversation prior to the learning happening and, therefore, we get better results.

The third challenge is one at the backend, the really important impact end of learning. Promote helps us to do the necessary follow-up on the learning, with surveys and overall assignments. A real challenge is, when the learning activities are completed, to get the learners to re-focus on how they have applied their learning, but if we have a survey in Promote and we push that message that the learning journey starts and finishes with this learning assignment, and then people start to get it – they have to complete the follow-up questionnaire that shows how they have applied the learning. Still a challenge for us, but Promote is helping us along the way.

From a broader perspective, how is Promote delivering on your expectations?

I think mostly, pretty well. Especially concerning the blended learning part, putting in a variety of activities. What we really value in Promote, is the ability to be quite flexible according to different types of programs. You can produce a Promote program, or assignment, based on the type of program that you have – it’s very flexible in that aspect – that’s something that we wanted and so it’s efficient.

I think the other big expectation that we had, was that it would help with the transfer of learning. That is, and has been, a bugbear of focus for many learning professionals and a really big challenge. Promote is helping us more and more with that. I don’t think we’re home and dry yet, but I think it’s helping us bring in the kind of surveys and follow-ups that are necessary to achieve. So, overall, pretty good.

As a learning professional, how do you actually get people to do things in Promote?

This is a challenge for us, but it’s also essential, to make it work successfully. So, what we do, when we kick-off a program, a learning program, we pull the trainer in, to kick-off with the participants. We then promote, Promote; we go through what’s expected of them and how Promote works. So, we position it right, at the very start of the program.

The other piece, in some ways, is even more important. We pull the leaders of the participants together, pointing out to them, that they have an important role, in this learning journey. They have to work with the learners and the teams that are participating in the program. So, we position it with them as well, that Promote is going to help them to do all that.

The third important participant in all of this, is, of course, the trainer, the deliverer themselves; we need to onboard them as well, since they are using the Promote tool too. Every person that has a role in the learning journey, from the very start, when you start to think about the goals of the program, needs to be involved and to understand the purpose of Promote through, through the program; that means you will get much better traction; at least that’s what we found.

The downside, of course, is that it means much greater involvement and the challenge for us, as an organization, is how do we do that, more efficiently? Can we replace some of those face to face-meetings with videos and so on, so we can scale Promote.

Has Promote helped you to better communicate with your business leaders, for example?

Yes, because I think it enables us to make the point to the leaders, that they have a vital role to play in the learning that their employee is doing. It’s not a case of “I sent my employee to a training session – job done”. It’s quite a challenge because leaders have so many calls on their time, but Promote gives us a reason to go and say to our leaders, “Look, we need you involved and this is how you’ll be involved, through Promote”. So, yes, it gives us a reason to get the leaders involved and on board with the learning.

Anything else you’d like to add about Promote, as an organization, or the platform?

Big organizations like Ericsson always have a choice of picking tools from a large or small organization. One of the things that I have seen, and one of the benefits of picking a tool from a relatively small organization like Promote, is that it’s helping us to get involved in the shaping of the tool; talking in a collaborative way, developing the tool. I feel the Promote team are always helping us in terms of, what we want to achieve, is what they want to achieve, of course, it’s a good sales technique, but it’s also valuable to us as a customer.

5 hinder som stoppar resultaten för L&D program – och hur du tar dig runt dem

Vilka 5 hinder är ständigt återkommande och gör det svårt för deltagare/anställda att tillämpa kunskaperna i arbetet och visa resultat? Läs mer om hindren och över 60 potentiella metoder för att ta itu med dessa.