Konsten att digitalisera ett ledarskapsprogram

Hur ställer man om ett affärskritiskt program på några få månader och hur ser man till att det blir bra?

Här berättar Charlotte Bernerheim, Global HR Manager och Josefine Widegren, Head of HR, på logistikföretaget Greencarrier, hur man med hjälp av  Promotes systerbolag, ledarutvecklingsbolaget Mindset, och lärplattformen Promote under våren 2021 kunde rulla ut ett nytt och uppdaterat ledarskapsprogram – helt virtuellt!

Ladda ner caset här:

Overcoming Issues and obstacles when implementing HPLJ

The past year has impacted the L&D industry in countless ways, so we decided to capture and leverage the learning of our HPLJ community for all L&D professionals to benefit from. We recently invited our HPLJ graduates to participate in a survey of their recent experience and we are very excited to share the findings with you in a panel discussion hosted by Edward Boon.

During this webinar you will meet a panel of experts including Professor Robert Brinkerhoff, that will discuss the tactics on overcoming the barriers when implementing a High performance Learning Journey.

What the webinar covers:
• Key findings from the survey (Professor Robert Brinkerhoff)
• Tactics for overcoming specific barriers in designing and delivering High Performance Learning Journeys (panel of experts)
• Questions and observations from webinar attendees

ORKLAs L&D-transformation

Under våren 2020 lamslogs världen av den rådande Corona-pandemin. Virusets utbrott omöjliggjorde fysiska träffar, möten och tillställningar vilket påverkade Orklas återkommande ledarskapsprogram. Men hur löste Orkla utmaningen?

I detta webbinar berättar Orklas dåvarande L&D-chef, Hanna Anderberg, om resan de tillsammans med oss på Promote gjorde för att digitalisera och modernisera deras ledarskapsprogram. 

Att driva ett ledarskapsprogram virtuellt

Så flyttade ORKLA ett affärskritiskt ledarskapsprogram online.

Läs om hur Orkla ställde om, optimerade och moderniserade sitt sätt att utbilda sina nya ledare – på mindre än ett år!

Ladda ner caset här:

Design more effective L&D programs by Stretching the Dimensions

As part of Promote International’s look at how to create a High-Performance Learning Journey, one of the areas that we examine is how to stretch the different dimensions in which a learning event exists. The aim is not only to design more effective programs but also to address potential performance barriers ahead of time. The dimensions that we look at are Relations, Learning, Spaces, Time, Business Linkage, and Tools and Structure. When we design our programs to make best use of these dimensions, we can then begin to realise more of the real value of a learning event.

Our belief is that we can create programs that can be more effective by addressing the five dimensions as part of the design process.

Download the full guide to get up to speed on how to stretch the dimensions to create a successful learning journey!

Här är Promote!


Nyfiken på vår plattform?

Här kan du boka ett online-möte med en ur vårt team för att utforska vår plattform och lära känna oss bättre. Vi ses!

Sträck ut dimensionerna, skapa bättre utbildning

Nyfiken på hur du enkelt kan skapa än mer effektiva utbildningsinsatser? Inom vår metodik High Performance Learning Journeys (HPLJ), pratar vi om att sträcka ut och stretcha de fem dimensionerna Tid, Relationer, Läroytor, Verktyg och system samt Affärsnytta.

Här kan du ladda ner en utförlig guide och fördjupning om hur du bör tänka och hur du kommer igång.

Ladda ner guiden

Creating a sustainable L&D Ecosystem

In this Webinar, Promote performance specialists Mark Gussetti and Alex Britain-Catlin, will be taking us through some of Promote’s key findings when it comes to creating and introducing a new Learning and Development Ecosystem into organizations.

The webinar will address what is an Ecosystem and why is it necessary. It will take a look at the constituent parts that make up the modern approach to delivering learning in organizations.

Perhaps of most interest, for you, we will take a look at three international organizations, who have taken different approaches in establishing their L&D Ecosystems. This will include their challenges and the success factors that enable them to move forward.

The Promote impact study

Impact studies by the Brinkerhoff Evaluation Institute reveal Promote’s learning technology platform, when embedded with a high impact methodology, driving a learning to performance improvement culture.

The Study

Brinkerhoff Evaluation Institute (BEI) developed a survey to assess different aspects of learning, application of learning, manager engagement, accountability and other aspects of training.

BEI helps organizations achieve their objectives faster by conducting thorough, yet practical, evaluations. BEI operates under the guidance of Prof. Robert O. Brinkerhoff, an internationally recognized evaluation and learning effectiveness expert.

Read more about BEI at http://www.brinkerhoffevaluationinstitute.com/

How Manager Engagement Effects Training Transfer

In collaboration with Professor Kevin Ford of Michigan State University, Promote International has conducted a study of 1500 training participants to better understand exactly how the actions of supervisors influence the likelihood of training transfer.

In this webinar, Edward Boon, performance consultant at Promote International, and Brian Blume, Professor of Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management at the University of Michigan,  will reveal our preliminary findings from this innovative research project.

The webinar covers:

  • Preliminary findings from the research study
  • A three-pillar support framework based on preliminary findings
  • Next steps in the study and how your organization can get involved

Congrats, Almost there!

A few things to consider before trying the platform:

And to make it as easy as possible...

…there’s a Demo guide within each module, explaining all the nifty features of the Promote Platform! You can find it under resources on the right hand side of the screen.