The effect of Promote

The effect of the Promote Platform

What effect and results do you get by using Promote?

5X better effect!

Research shows that on average, only one in six of your participants delivers value after a training program. This means that only 15% of those who complete a training program go out and use their newly acquired knowledge in the workplace. The other five struggle to apply lessons learned and fail to create results for the organization. This means that the full value of your program is never realized. 

The good news is that this can be remedied by using a proper training process and a system that unleashes the hidden potential of your employees. With Promote you can increase the number from 1 out of 6 to 5 out of 6 – or 5 times better results! 5 times more participants will thus use their knowledge to drive towards your results.

Traditional training –
1 in 6
provides value after completing a training program

With Promote –
5 out of 6 provide value after completing training


Felt a great responsibility for his own application of his learning.



Were very motivated to apply their learning

Commitment, responsibility and on-the-job application

Commitment and accountability drive the business impact of training programs. Normally, the most important driver is the commitment from management. Compared to other high-impact programs, Promote programs produce tremendous scores on commitment and accountability even when executives are not involved (although the high impact is still more common when executives are involved).

Read the full report here.


Social Learning

96% of participants participate in discussions about best practices with their boss and peers that lead to new and improved behaviors.


Manager Involvement

91% of the participants involve their managers. As a result, the levels of commitment and the chances of creating desired behavior change increase.


Training efficiency

75% of managers recognize the role that Promote plays in supporting those they lead to achieve desired business results through behavioral application.


Effective learning

86% of participants apply their new learning consistently after training, which leads to value creation and business results four times higher than the average training program.

Promote is built around four key concepts to support and help your participants provide the required behavioral changes. This is the effect of Promote.

90 %

Long-lasting effect among the participants

Research shows that training programs with Promote create a long-lasting effect on participants

More conscious focus on leadership activities 100%
More time on leadership activities 92%
Increased employee involvement 85%
Increase in team development activities 77%
Increased team productivity 54%


The effect of transforming a leadership program

Promote helped Orkla to transform and digitize its leadership program OLC. With the help of our expertise, platform, and methodology, Promote succeeded in transforming a critical leadership program into a highly effective digital leadership program. How was the result? A great success! Read the case of the steps taken together with Orkla.

Why does it work so well?

Promote has many features, finesses, and benefits that act as the foundation for creating effective training. Everything we do is based on research and science. That’s why we know it works.

Some of the most important tools for creating effective training are built directly into Promote. We use four key concepts that research says are crucial for successful and long-lasting training impact.

Manager Involvement

Make your managers into role models

The manager is key to creating positive results. A manager sets expectations based on business goals, provides support at work, and gives invaluable feedback. Promote makes it easier for managers to know when and how to get involved.

In Promote, the manager is involved in the learning journey. Promote supports managers to see when they are needed most, and how best to intervene in the process. Increased managerial involvement creates the conditions for better business performance.

Social Learning

A positive sense of responsibility

Social learning, or guided social learning, is an engine for change. When participants try out new behaviors, they want to feel that they are not alone and have the opportunity to share the experience with others.

Promote makes it easier to share experiences throughout the learning process. Participants inspire, share experiences and best practices, reflect, collaborate, and network with each other to create a deeper learning experience.

Effective training

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The basis for sustainable learning is effective training. To manage your time and money, you need to practice the right things, at the right time, in the best possible way.

Promote helps your organization shift focus from learning in a classroom environment to the application at work. Effective training leads to higher motivation, higher commitment, reduced training costs, and better results.

Effect and improvement

Keep your programmes on track

Make sure the learning journey is on track and that your program is delivering the expected results. In Promote, you have key performance indicators for the progress and evaluation of objectives built into the platform and into your programs.

Promote allows you to steer your programs toward goals by acting on deviations or encouraging success in real time. The platform is based on recognized methods for the evaluation of training, by Kirkpatrick and Professor Brinkerhoff.

The platform

The learning platform for training effect


High Performance Learning Journey

The recipe for success

All about learning journeys

Congrats, Almost there!

A few things to consider before trying the platform:

And to make it as easy as possible...

…there’s a Demo guide within each module, explaining all the nifty features of the Promote Platform! You can find it under resources on the right hand side of the screen.