Learning journeys – the key to effective training

Learning journeys - for effective learning

How do learning journeys work and how should you think to get a really good learning effect? We can explain!

What is a learning journey?

Why learning journeys are a natural part of our lives

Think of something you are really good at. Something you know by heart, really good. Whatever it is, you probably did not just learn it overnight. It took both time, repeated training, and patience. Clear instructions, qualified feedback, and a little encouragement were probably required when it felt extra daunting. In other words, a learning journey was required. For us at Promote, it is obvious that all types of learning are seen as a process. Not an event or occasion.

Having the right attitude to learning has never been more important than in today’s changing and fast-moving world. The only ability we know that will always be important is the ability to learn. Therefore, we believe that the best way for an organization to grow is to see learning as a journey.

How do learning journeys differ from traditional training?

A learning journey differs from traditional training in how it is designed. Instead of a longer, single training opportunity, the learning journey is divided into blocks or “modules”. In these modules, there is a clear structure for accumulating knowledge before a knowledge component, during, and after the component itself. This provides better conditions for those who accumulate the knowledge to prepare, learn, and apply the knowledge in real situations.

What is the difference between modern and traditional training?


Objective: Learning and acquisition of knowledge

When: Event-based. As few occasions as possible

How:  Majority take place in a classroom

Relevance: General relevance for the target group


Objective: Results in the work through the application of knowledge
When: Apprenticeships, extended over a longer period of time
How: Blended-learning (online and classroom)
Relevance: Specific relevance for the participant

Learning journeys for the modern company

Learning journeys are suitable for you who want to deliver a mix of learning initiatives that are physical and digital. You save the time for which participant needs to be away from their workplace, the costs of travel, and logistics. A learning journey is easy to scale up, and adapt along the journey and costs no more than traditional learning. By combining learning journeys and Promote’s learning platform, you get a lasting change that drives results toward your set goals.

Learning journeys are part of the world-renowned methodology High Performance Learning Journey

Promote has together with Professor Robert O. Brinkerhoff, (with over 40 years of successful research in learning in training effect) developed a methodology for effective learning that drives results for participants and the business. This methodology uses learning journeys as a basis for driving behavioral change. The methodology is called High Performance Learning Journeys and is developed so that you can get as much as possible out of your training.

The methodology leads to increased commitment, development of skills, application of knowledge, and increased business results. You can also certify yourself in this!

Create your own learning journeys on Promote's platform!

Promote is your digital learning platform for competence development through learning journeys. It gives you all the tools and research-proven methods to drive effective training, onboarding, and information dissemination.

In the platform, you easily create learning journeys with a clear effect for lasting results and behavioral change in your participants.

We make sure that you achieve the goals of your initiatives, regardless of length or purpose. Promote’s learning platform is a fantastic digital support for effective learning.

Want to know more about learning journeys? Contact us!

Congrats, Almost there!

A few things to consider before trying the platform:

And to make it as easy as possible...

…there’s a Demo guide within each module, explaining all the nifty features of the Promote Platform! You can find it under resources on the right hand side of the screen.