Telia chooses Promote as the platform for learning journeys

The telecom giant Telia has chosen Promote as the platform for learning journeys and learning journey methodology

It is with great joy and lots of pride that we can now tell you that Telia has chosen Promote as a platform for learning journeys and High Performance Learning Journeys (HPLJ) as its methodology for the development of learning journeys. Already this spring, about 40 people will be certified in HPLJ Champion.

Telia’s work in learning and development is impressive. Changing a way of working and an approach that has been universal for so long is difficult. What Telia realizes and invests in is that methodology and technology go hand in hand. It all starts with the methodology – in this case HPLJ.

Our common goal with this collaboration is to drive development forward not only for our respective companies but also for learning and development in general. We hope to show very exciting projects and interesting results in the future. This journey has just begun and we are incredibly happy to be part of and contribute.

I am incredibly happy for this up-skilling investment within our own team. No platform in itself is the solution to our challenges, but Promote is a fantastic enabler for HPLJ, which is a powerful and internally pressure-tested methodology for learning journeys whose purpose is to create effect!

“We have a fantastic collaboration with Telia both in terms of platform and methodology and are extremely curious about how our collaboration can be developed.”

Karin Plith
Manager Promote Nordic
+46 76 543 88 64

Karin Plith Promote
certifiering high performance learning journey

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High Performance Learning Journey
