AI Facilitator Support

AI-Generated Facilitator support

Embrace the power of AI support to streamline facilitation, enhance learner engagement, and increase the impact from your training initiatives.

Simlipify and enhance facilitation

AI Facilitator Support within Promote is more than just about keeping up with technology – it’s about enhancing the learning experience and ensuring that every learner gets the maximum benefit from your program.

AI-generated replies

Approval of tasks is more than a mere formality—it’s an opportunity to motivate and guide learners through constructive feedback. However, crafting individual responses can be time-consuming, and that’s where AI Assistance comes in. This feature supports you by generating personalized, encouraging, and contextually appropriate replies for Facilitator Approve tasks.

Short answer

Ideal for straightforward acknowledgements or confirmations

Long answer

Best for in-depth feedback or when elaborating on complex topics

End with question

To further engage learners and invite them to deepen their understanding or apply their knowledge

Use AI-generated replies when you want to:

AI-generated summaries

Gathering insights from a lively task discussion can be as demanding as rewarding. Facilitators now have a powerful ally in AI, allowing them to summarize key points from learner interactions efficiently. This tool is especially useful when you aim to encapsulate the essence of a discussion, providing a concise overview for your learners.


A concise summary, highlighting key points from all learner comment. Perfect for a quick, comprehensive overview limited to approximately 5 sentences.

Bulleted summary

Creates a summary and feedback in two separate bulleted lists. The number of bullets will vary depending on how many comments are being summarized.

End with question

Building on the standard summary format and concluding with a question aimed at encouraging further discussion.

Use AI-generated summaries when you want to:

Want to know more about AI and the Promote platform?

Book a demo!

Congrats, Almost there!

A few things to consider before trying the platform:

And to make it as easy as possible...

…there’s a Demo guide within each module, explaining all the nifty features of the Promote Platform! You can find it under resources on the right hand side of the screen.